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Be the Dad Bonus Round - Have Fun, Be You
Find your sweet spot of being yourself, having fun and continuing to grow as a Dad. There is no perfect Dad. You will try your best and...

Be the Dad .20 Leave an amazing Legacy for your kids
Your life can encourage, equip and inspire generations for years to come. What are the most important things that you want to pass on?...

Be the Dad 19. Be the Family First Dad
You are in a world fighting for your time, attention and affection. Here is the Why and the how to put your family first. ‘men, never let...

Be the Dad 18. Be the Strongly Connected Dad
Strong connections, formed through doing life together with your family make parenting easier and more enjoyable. You can have an amazing...

Be the Dad 17. Be a Great Team with Mum
You are on the same Team Be greater together. Being a great team is all about getting your strengths working together, planning and...

Be the Dad 16. You are Role Model Dad who will change a generation
You are the hidden Role model who will inspire a Generation. It's not politicians, movies, media or music who will have the most impact...

Be the Dad 15. Be the Positive touch Dad
Are you a hugger? Be the guy that enables your family to feel safe, secure, accepted and loved through the power of positive touch. Touch...

Be the Dad 14. Be the Life Coach Dad
Being able to lead and guide your kids daily, like a coach would his players, will cause major growth, wins and stability in their lives...

Be the Dad 13. Be the ‘Growing Dad’ Personal growth.
If you want to be an amazing Dad and man and have a great life, invest into your personal growth. The gold that you put into to your...

Be the Dad 12. Get ‘Daducated'. Get wisdom on how to be the Dad.
You don’t know what you don’t know. What you don’t know could vastly improve your life. Learning and gaining wisdom in parenting and...
Blog: Blog
Overcoming hard times
The Surprising power of thankfulness
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