Thankfulness Week 2021 has now ended, thanks for joining in
and try think of three things everyday you are thankful for!
Thankfulness Week 2021
Thankfulness Week NZ is on the 14 - 20 of June 2021 in the darkest coldest week of the year and our goal is to:
1- tell as many Kiwis as possible that thinking of three things every day you are Thankful for is great for your mental healthiness.
2 - To share free resources to help people learn more about Thankfulness
and implement in their daily living.
The Thankfulness Project is a non-profit Kiwi born initiative with the goal of increasing mental healthiness in New Zealand
Why Thankfulness is great for our mental healthiness:
When we think of what we are thankful for, our thoughts are directed to the good that is around us instead of dwelling on what is not going well.
This is great for increasing our positivity and helps to build up our mental healthiness.
Thinking, writing or speaking 3 things a day that you are thankful for helps develop positive thought patterns which can help you everyday.

Join in on the fun and inspiration of Thankfulness Week: