Sharing Thankfulness in your Business, group or club
During Thankfulness Week this year on the 15 - 21st of June we are looking to partner with organisations to share a social media post on Thankfulness
Contact us at the bottom of the page if you are keen to join!
To reach NZ with this powerful Mental Healthiness message of Thankfulness, we would love if you would consider one of the following:
Social Media
Do a Social Media post asking for people to tag someone that they are thankful for (and possibly be in to win a prize) - examples below
Do a Social Media post about something that you as a business are thankful for
Sharing a Thankfulness Post from our BeGreatNZ Facebook page or this website, this could be the TV advert, one of our posts or an article on Thankfulness
Tagging @begreatNZ and Thankfulness week for people to refer back to for more information on Thankfulness
Examples of Sharing Thankfulness on Social Media:

Work Place/ organisation
Putting up Thankfulness Posters or Computer Backgrounds and putting up at work - click here for options
Creating a workplace challenge on Thankfulness: Think of three things each morning when you get to work, expressing Thankfulness to each other or as a team, watching and doing session 2 of the Thankfulness in 5 days resource
Share the 5 days of Thankfulness course with your organisation