Poster Your World Thankful and be in to win $500 for your school or $200 for your workplace staff!

Poster your
World Thankful
Let's make our Schools and workplaces Thankful spaces with the Thankful Week Poster comp.
To enter download a poster that is then filled out by kids and staff with what 'I am thankful for and why' and then put up all over your school or workplace.
This is a great exercise to increase awareness of thankfulness and lift the positivity in any room.
To enter, fill out your posters, hang them up, take a picture and upload to Instagram and tag: thankfulness_project_2019 or Facebook and tag
$500 for your school to spend on something cool that you will be thankful for :) - basketballs, playground, x500 $1 pies ...
$200 for the Staff to spend on something fun - workplace shout, bouncy castle, blow up sumo suits...
We will be looking for creativity, coverage and great things to be thankful for. Entries close midnight 30 June. The winners will be chosen in the following week. Judges decision is final.
Also you don't have to stop at posters; Computer Backgrounds, screen savers, go for it!!
Be in to Win:
To enter:
Be in to Win:
Click on the image and then right click to download the poster: